今日もバンクーバーは非常に良い天気です。春が着実に来ていることを感じます。昨日は春の訪れを告げるお祭りとも言える、St.Patrick’s Day でしたが、例年の様な盛り上がりもなく終わった感じです。現在は新型コロナウイルスの影響から、外に出て騒ぐといった雰囲気ではないようですね。
また今回、Public Safety Minister Bill Blair がカナダ国籍以外で、カナダの就労ビザ所持者、学生ビザを持つ留学生が、入国後に14日の自己隔離をすることに同意することで入国を認めるという方針も打ち出しました。
Canada and the United States have agreed to restrict non-essential travel across the border as both countries try to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus — but they insist key supplies will still flow between the two nations.
U.S. President Donald Trump first tweeted the news Wednesday morning. Soon afterward, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau held a news conference to announce that travellers will no longer be able to cross the border for recreational and tourism purposes.
“These measures will last in place as long as we feel they need to last,” he told reporters from outside his home at Rideau Cottage, on the grounds of Rideau Hall in Ottawa, where he’s in self-isolation.
WATCH: Canada, U.S. closing border to non-essential traffic
Canada, U.S. closing border to non-essential traffic: PM
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that travellers will no longer be able to cross the border for recreational and tourism purposes.
Public Safety Minister Bill Blair said that Canadians and Americans who cross the border every day to do essential work will not be affected.
“We know, for example, there are many border cities where citizens on one side of the border travel each day across that border to work in hospitals and to provide other essential services,” he said. “We have to make sure those people can get to work.”
Blair also said international students, workers on visas and temporary foreign workers will also be able to enter Canada, with the expectation that they’ll respect the government’s request to self-isolate for 14 days.